The Debtors module has been designed to provide the operator with numerous time saving features, together with the ease of use which is a feature found throughout the ARROW accounting system.
Debtors Module Features Include:-
- Credit Profile
- Each customer may be set up as a weekly, fortnightly or monthly debtor. The system will accept any combination of these debtor types.
- Runs under both Two-User and Multi-User operating systems.
- Setup text invoices and standard invoices for regular processing by debtor groups.
- Process automatic invoicing and select on debtor groups.
- Exception reporting for management reports.
- Consolidate debtors into parent account for statements.
- Default screens are allowed to be setup by the operator.
- System allows invoice discounts.
- Settlement discounts are automatically calculated if applicable.
- Screen inquiry of Debtor accounts, by transactions, type, eg. invoices, orders etc.
- System allows operator to view Current, Old, Future or All transactions.
- Invoice text facility by line or block.
- System allows for Open item or Balance forward debtors.
- Invoices may be posted to future periods.
- Dollar or Time credit limit can be applied, to individual debtors.
- Ability to create new Debtor at time of entering invoice.
- The System will warn you when a debtor has exceeded their credit limit and display the dollar amount/age period they have exceeded it by.
- Ability to view historical purchase details that is view previous sell prices for this debtor and stock code combination at the time of invoice entry.
- Ability to calculate and generate invoices for interest charges on overdue accounts.
- Summary trial balance by Debtor type.
- Detailed trial balance by Debtor type.
- Statements by Debtor type.
- Debtor account ledger.
- Transaction/Tax listing, current and day book.
- Sales analysis by Debtor, summary and detailed.
- Sales by sales codes, summary and detailed.
- Exception reporting.
- Name and address listing and labels.
- Sales Commission Report.
- Unpaid Invoice Report.
- Provides immediate generation of invoices, thereby ensuring as early as possible debt collection.
- Allows you to keep effective credit control, by warning if a customer is over their credit terms/limit.
- Provides summary and detailed trial balances, so you can monitor the amount of your customers debt.
- Quick and efficient on-screen inquiry, allowing you to provide excellent customer service.
- Helps plan future direction by analysing sales by customer type and sales code.
- Allows you to generate standard invoicing for groups of customers, thereby reducing the amount of time required to produce them.
- Allows you to enter and view current and future period invoices.
- Calculates sales commissions.